Mental Landscape: Surviving Stay at Home
As the country, even the world, finds itself within the confines of “Home,” the population is trying to find ways to cope with social distancing. Outdoor living, landscaping, and gardening have all proved to be invaluable assets to get us through these unprecedented times.
Governing bodies throughout the country have deemed landscape companies as essential businesses allowing them to proceed with operations throughout the entire pandemic. Lawns can still be manicured, fertilization/insecticide applications applied, and so can the planting of flowers, shrubs, and trees. There’s something important about still being about to connect with nature and appreciate it in all its beauty that reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression, decreases stress, and strengthens one’s sense of well-being. The fact that this has been recognized by the “powers that be” will enable all of us to get through this and keep our sanity.
Health and Wellness
Outdoor living can help you achieve the balance of physical and mental well-being. The implementation of outdoor spaces can create areas of calm contemplation to reduce overall stress leaving you in a more comfortable state of mind. The use of plant material that appeals to the five senses and soothing audio all add to this healing experience. Active family social interaction within these environments creates another dimension to the overall mental wellness. The same healing gardens seen in health care institutions can be recreated on a residential scale and lead you to embrace absolute Zen.
On a smaller scale, container gardens can become a project providing individuals, and even families, a chance to interact and promote increased physical activity while stuck at home. Sometimes when space is limited, you can still accomplish much with the use of decorative container gardens. The days of terracotta pots are long gone, and bold colors and designs are available in ceramic, stone, and composite. These planting vessels are a great way to add accents of color to your outdoor entertainment space. Cobalt blues, chartreuse greens, and crimson reds may seem a bit loud for the timider gardener but can provide that little extra pop of needed color. Annual plantings are typically reserved for these container gardens and are removed at the end of the season. An easy way to create added interest is to include plantings of complimenting colors but contrasting textures. The use of grasses/sedges along with flowering plants and trailing vines will create your own personal mini landscape. Edibles are also a great addition not only for their nutritional value but also for the aesthetics of the flower/fruit they produce. Nothing’s better than freshly picked herbs, vegetables while dining al fresco on a mid-summer’s night with friends (hopefully) by the time we get to that point.
Connecting with others is the name of the game in keeping a healthy outlook on life. Even if the substitute for “others” is Mother Nature, let being outside and tending to your garden be your best remedy to ensuring mental well-being on a day-to-day basis. Most importantly, let your family be the other. Keep calm and garden on.
If you would like more information about container gardening or how to transform your property into a beautiful and functional space, give our award-winning team a call today at 856-753-1944.